for Good Scientific Practice
Train-the-Trainer for Good Scientific Practice
The first Train-the-Trainer for Good Scientific Practice (GSP) of the Austrian Agency for Scientific Integrity (OeAWI) took place in Vienna on November 08-09, 2018. A total of 19 participants from different member organizations participated actively in this first workshop.
The OeAWI considers itself a driving force for the implementation of the Standards of GSP in research. In response to requests of member organizations of the OeAWI, the agency has developed this training program entitled Train-the-trainer, which is to demonstrate didactic methods fostering GSP. Given the fact that the majority of individuals dealing with research integrity professionally have acquired their knowledge and understanding of the matter on their own or via learning-by-doing when necessary, the training program ought to enhance their disciplinary and methodological competence.
In an interactive setting (case studies, role plays, kick-off speeches), future trainers are instructed in the fundamentals of research integrity, the avoidance of research misconduct and questionable, unacceptable practices. Special attention is paid to the presentation of didactic methods fostering GSP.
The program counts on its dissemination impact. Upon completion of the Train-the-Trainer program the participants should be well-equipped to offer their own seminars, workshops or lectures on the topic of Good Scientific Practice , to promote institutional adherence to the Standards of GSP and to serve as knowledge multipliers. Another declared aim of the training program is to establish a network among the course participants.
The target groups of this program are university teachers and researchers who want to pass on their knowledge of Good Scientific Practice, PhD Program leaders, Ombudspersons and individuals working in university contexts interested in the subject matter of research integrity. Following the workshop, participants get online access to comprehensive course materials in German and English that they can use in their future courses.
The second Train-the-Trainer took place on May 23rd and 24th, 2019 in Vienna. This time the working language was English.
In autumn, another Train-the-Trainer will take place in German language. Participation is free of charge for representatives of member institutions, non-members will receive information on the fees upon request.
Information about the Train-the-Trainer