New member
The OeAWI warmly welcomes a new member
FH Joanneum becomes full member
The University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum has recently been accepted as a member organization by the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity. The OeAWI warmly welcomes the new member and their willingness to actively participate in the promotion of research integrity. Below, the new member organization is briefly introduced.
University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum
As an application-oriented university, the FH Joanneum combines academic education with practical training. Being anchored in Graz, Kapfenberg and Bad Gleichenberg, the University of Applied Sciences offers various study programs within its six different departments. Its research activities are also based on those departments, specifically Applied Computer Sciences, Engineering, Health Studies, Management, Media & Design, as well as Building, Energy and Society. In addition, the FH Joanneum offers a variety of continuing education programmes.
The non-profit organisation FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH serves as the operating company of FH Joanneum, with the Province of Styria being ist majority shareholder.