Good scientific practice needs to be lived
Teaching and learning materials
The Agency aims to prevent questionable and unacceptable research practices (including research misconduct). Raising awareness for the Standards of Good Scientific Practice and offering relevant professional development are central to its activities.
The OeAWI is project partner in the EU-project VIRT2UE, which is developing a pan-European Train-the-Trainer program to facilitate research ethics and research Integrity.
In the eLearning environment of the ÖAWI, eLearning courses with the focus on teaching the „Guidelines on Good Scientific Practice“ offered.
As a project partner in the VIRT2UE project, which aims to develop a pan-European train-the-trainer program for teaching science ethics and integrity, ÖAWI was also involved in the development of eLearning courses.
The eLearning courses from the VIRT2UE project are divided into 3 series, and can be accessed in the eLearning area of the ÖAWI as well as on the Embassy of Good Science:
Introduction to Research Integrity
Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity
Virtue Ethics under current research conditions
Topics of teaching and learning materials
- Agency for Research Integrity
- Good Scientific Practice
- Data Management
- Citation and Plagiarism
- Publication and Authorship
- Responsibility of supervisors, early stage researchers and institutions
Member institutions and non-members can avail themselves of the lectures, workshops and Train-the-Trainer programs the OeAWI offers. The educational activities of the ÖAWI cover various topics of research integrity, yet they all aim to promote Good Scientific Practice (GSP).
All formats are offered in German or English.
Due to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, no train-the-trainer workshops will be offered until further notice. However, ÖAWI will provide all materials in German and English for workshop participants at If you are interested in or need teaching materials from the ÖAWI train-the-trainer workshop, please contact for access.
Didactic Approach
Raising awareness for research integrity and fostering a sense of individual responsibility are top priorities of the OeAWI training programs. In this spirit, the didactic concepts have been developed to fit the working reality of research and at the same time, to build on the knowledge and skills of the participants. OeAWI’s programs rely on evidence-based, didactic methods and aim to stimulate active and reflective engagement with Good Scientific Practice (GSP).
Access to the teaching and learning materials
For member organizations as well as for non-members there is the possibility to take advantage of the eLearning courses of the ÖAWI. All members and members of member organizations of the ÖAWI can automatically register for the eLearning environment of the ÖAWI. If you do not have access to the eLearning environment even though you belong to a member organization of the ÖAWI, we ask you to contact us with your request at If you have any questions about the privacy of the eLearning environment, you can find it here more information.
In order to be used by international students and researchers at Austrian institutions, the materials are offered in English.
Do you consider taking up an offer of the OeAWI?
Is your institution a member of the OeAWI?
Participation in any training programs of the OeAWI is free of charge for member institutions.
Is your institution not a member of the OeAWI?
Participation in any training programs of the OeAWI is fee-based for non-member institutions. We gladly answer your questions concerning a possible membership.
If you have any questions to the formats and possible dates, do not hesitate to ask and contact us to make an appointment.
Melanie Lettl
Assistant to the management, administration of EU projects