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Deputy Chair of the Commission
FH Campus Wien
Since 2022, Vice Rector for Research and Development and member of the executive board of FH Campus Wien. Member of the ethics commission of FH Campus Wien.
Between 2014 and 2022, she developed, implemented and managed the Competence Center for Applied Nursing Research at FH Campus Wien, and taught in the Department for Applied Nursing Research. She developed the strategic direction of the research center and conceptualized and led application-focused and interdisciplinary
projects in national and international contexts. Her research focuses are in the fields of Active and Assisted Living, Digitalization in health and nursing, as well as Theory-Practice-Transfer. From 1998 to 2013, she was part of the research institute of the Vienna Red Cross (which she led for 1.5 years) where she established nursing research with a focus on evidence-based nursing in mobile and inpatient care.
Haslinger-Baumann studied Philosophy with a focus on ethics as well as Political Science with a focus on social policy, both at the University of Vienna. She holds a Doctorate in Nursing Science with a focus on research applications from UMIT – Private University for health sciences, medical informatics and technology in Hall, Tyrol.
Many years of experience as certified health- and nursing professional in Austria (Vienna) and abroad (Nepal, India, Columbia, Ecuador)
three children.