EU Projects
Good Scientific Practice as a matter of European concern
The role of the OeAWI in the European context
Good Scientific Practice is a matter of global concern. The OeAWI maintains close contacts to national and international organizations and is keen on playing an active part in the international network. The participation in EU projects allows for possibilities of cooperation between the OeAWI and European partners.
The OeAWI is currently involved in the EU projects ENERI (European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity) and VIRT2UE (Virtue based Ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity).

Responsible Open Science in Europe
Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity.
Virtue bases Ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for Upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity.
Made possible by Horizon 2020
The EU-projects ENERI and VIRT2UE are financed by the funding initiative Horizon 2020 of the European Commission.

Responsible Open Science in Europe
The EU-project ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe) started in March 2021.
The aim of the EU-project ROSiE is to explore and develop tools to ensure and promote the standards and good practices of research ethics and research integrity within the open science and citizen science frameworks.
The OeAWI will lead the work package aimed at facilitating the use of responsible open science. The main goal is to create a strategic policy paper towards an action and practice-oriented policy on research ethics and research integrity within the open science initiative and to incorporate it to the European Code of Conduct.
Duration: March 2021 – February 2024

The project partners

The project partners

Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity
The EU-project SOPs4RI (Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity) has started its work in January 2019.
The aim of the EU-project SOPs4RI is to promote excellent research and a strong research integrity culture that aligns with the principles and norms of the ‘European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity’, and to counter research misconduct. The overall objective of SOPs4RI is to create a toolbox which fosters research integrity and prevents, detects, and handles research misconduct for European research performing organizations (RPOs) and research funding organizations (RFOs). With rigorous methods, the SOPs and guidelines will be developed by experts and key stakeholders and will be offered as flexible tools for RPOs and RFOs to develop Research Integrity Promotion Plans. The OeAWI is responsible for piloting the SOPs and guidelines in selected institutions.
Duration: January 2019 – December 2022
Virtue based ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for Upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
The EU-project VIRT2UE (Virtue based Ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity) started in June 2018.
The aim of this EU-project is to develop a sustainable Train-the-Trainer program to facilitate research ethics and research integrity. In order to foster good scientific practice sustainably, the principles of the ECoC (The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity) shall not only be imparted as a number of guidelines but also as a set of virtues. For this purpose, a variety of combinable teaching and learning materials (e.g. e-learning courses, YouTube videos, case studies) will be developed, updated and disseminated among academic teachers. The educational materials will be created to be applicable within a blended learning approach (combination of online training and face-to-face sessions). The OeAWI will make a significant contribution to the production of the online materials, which will be embedded in a YouTube-channel and a specially designed MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
The results and materials originated from this EU project will be made available via open access on a dedicated online-platform.
Duration: June 2018 – May 2021

The project partners

The project partners

European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity
ENERI (European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity) has already started its work in September 2016. Essential project partners are ENRIO (European Network of Research Integrity Offices) and EUREC (European Network of Research Ethics Committees. The Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI) is a member of the ENRIO network and acts as project partner on behalf of ENRIO.
The aims of ENERI are to create a joint European network and platform to intensify the exchange of expertise, harmonize the processes within ethics reviews and investigation procedures of alleged research misconduct, and develop a core curriculum for individuals involved in ethics review and investigation panels.
The project started with a mapping of the networks to collect information about common features and differences within national structures and procedures to learn from each other and take advantage of synergies.
The major issue of the work package “Training” is the design of a training program addressed to researchers and scientists in the field of RE and RI. All gathered information including training materials will be distributed via ENERI and ENRIO websites.
The project partners will also compile an expert database with contact information and information on the experience of experts in these two fields.
Duration: September 2016 – August 2019