on Data Protection and Whistleblower Protection in Advocacy and Ombudsman Offices
20. June 2022
09:30 AM (Registration) to 4:00 PM
Volksanwaltschaft Palais RottalSingerstraße 17, 1010 Wien
About the event
With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018, and the EU whistleblowing directive in 2019, the work of advocacy- and ombudsman offices needs to adapt. At the symposium, the legal implications of these regulations will be presented by experts and discussed by participants. The impact on the day-to-day work of advocacy- and ombudsman offices will be analyzed and reflected upon. Goals of the symposium are the raising of awareness on issues related to the handling of personal data, and the consideration of measures to ensure the protection of whistleblowers, as well as the impact of those measures for the institutions involved.
Detailed information on the symposium can be found here. (German only) (PDF)
The symposium was organized jointly by the Austrian Ombudsman Board, the Tyrolean and Vorarlberg State Attorney’s Office, the OEAWI, and the Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsman.
Detailed information on the symposium can be found here. (German only) (PDF)
The symposium was organized jointly by the Austrian Ombudsman Board, the Tyrolean and Vorarlberg State Attorney’s Office, the OEAWI, and the Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsman.