EU project which is developing a pan-European Train-the-Trainer program
VIRT2UE – EU project which is developing a pan-European Train-the-Trainer program
In June 2018, the EU project VIRT2UE (Virtue based Ethics and Integrity of Research: Train-the-Trainer program for upholding the principles and practices of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity) was launched.
The aim of this EU-project is to develop a sustainable Train-the-Trainer program to facilitate research ethics and research integrity. In order to foster good scientific practice sustainably, the principles of the ECoC (The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity) shall not only be imparted as a number of guidelines but also as a set of virtues. For this purpose, a variety of combinable teaching and learning materials (e.g. e-learning courses, YouTube videos, case studies) will be developed, updated and disseminated among academic teachers. The educational materials will be created to be applicable within a blended learning approach (combination of online training and face-to-face sessions). The OeAWI will make a significant contribution to the production of the online materials, which will be embedded in a YouTube-channel and a specially designed MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
The results and materials originated from this EU project will be made available via open access on a dedicated online-platform.
The first deliverables, for which the OeAWI is the work package leader, concern the production and launch of the first YouTube videos on a dedicated channel, as well as the development and launch of the first MOOC courses. The first videos will be available online until the end of November 2019, the first MOOC courses at the end of January 2020.
Since the starting of the project in June 2018, the OeAWI has been working as a work package leader to coordinate the development of online materials. Furthermore, the OeAWI works in close cooperation with the other work packages on the technical implementation and the selection of the contentual priorities of the training.