
Good scientific practice wants to be practiced


What are the workshops
of the OeAWI about?

The Austrian Agency for Research Integrity believes that active and reflective engagement is the most promising way to both preventing questionable and unacceptable research practices or research misconduct and raising awareness.

The Workshops are designed to teach the fundamentals of research integrity, the grey areas of research („sloppy science“), and the

avoidance of research misconduct in an interactive and discursive manner. The workshops of the OeAWI rely on well-tried didactic methods and apply the current state of research to the promotion of Good Scientific Practice.

Depending on your requirements, the workshops can be held in German or English.

Basic Information

Target group
  • Students and early stage researchers to be prepared for their future research activities
  • Researchers who want to brush up on their knowledge regarding GSP
  • Individuals interested in the topic of research integrity

Theoretical input, case studies, individual and group activities, discussion rounds

Group size

8 to 25 persons (recommendation)


Half or full day


Free of charge for member institutions
Fees for non-members by request

Possible Topics

Agency for Research Integrity
  • Structure, Tasks and Aims, International Context
Good Scientific Practice
  • Historical background (international and Austrian), definition
  • Current developments and discussions in the field of research integrity
  • Applicable regulations and guidelines at local, national and international levels (OeAWI Guidelines, European Code of Conduct, Singapore Statement)
  • Research Misconduct: Forms and manifestations of research misconduct, “sloppy science”, questionable and unacceptable research practices
Data Management
  • Original and primary data, ideas and sources
  • Documentation of research process, data protection and storage duties
  • Ownership of data (lab books, published data, figures and texts)
  • Adequate data backup (Protection against obstruction and theft)
  • Data sharing
Citation and Plagiarism
  • Correct citation
  • Types of plagiarism, detection and avoidance
Publication and Authorship

• Overview of guidelines and rules of important publishers
Challenges: Plagiarism, duplicate publication, “Salami” publication, peer-review process and responsibilities of the reviewers, guidelines and conflicts within the review process
Authorship: Tasks and responsibilities of authors, criteria for authorship
Challenges: Refusal of authorship, inadequate authorship ranking, honorary authorship, joint responsibility for falsified publications

Responsibility of supervisors, early stage researchers and institutions
  • Area of responsibility, potential conflicts of interest of supervisors
  • Relationship of dependence between early stage researchers and supervisors
  • Possible problems in the supervisory process
  • Good supervision as prevention of research misconduct

Are you interested in a workshop?

Is your institution a member of the OeAWI?

Participating in any workshops of the OeAWI is free of charge for member institutions.

Is your institution not a member of the OeAWI?

Participating in any workshops of the OeAWI is fee-based for non-member institutions. We gladly answer your questions concerning a possible membership.

If you have any questions about the formats and possible dates, do not hesitate to ask and contact us to make an appointment.


Melanie Hofbauer

Assistant to the management, administration of EU projects

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